Thursday, February 28, 2008

CodeArmor adds support for PowerBuilder

V.i. Labs announced version 2.2 of CodeArmor, a tool that provides granular encryption, decryption, anti-debugging, anti-tampering, and secure run-time execution monitoring for applications in order to prevent piracy, tampering, misuse or theft.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

TechWave 2008 Call for Papers is now open

The call for papers for TechWave 2008 is now open. Initial applicatons must be submitted by March 18th. Final presentations have to be submitted by June 25th. TechWave 2008 is August 4th through 8th.

If your paper is accepted, you can attend TechWave for "free". I know that included the pass to TechWave itself. I don't know if Sybase covers travel or hotel costs.

GetFileOpenName revisted…

A while back I indicated that there was an undocumented feature of GetFileOpenName that allowed multiple file types per option. The good news is that Sybase updated the documentation to include it. The bad news is that in the process they removed the documentation on how to specify multiple options.

To get both, try this:

GetFileOpenName ( "Open File", pathname, filename, "TXT", "Graphic Files (*.bmp;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg),*.bmp;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg,All Types(*.*),*.*" )

You'll see two options in the dropdown, and the first has multiple file types. Note semicolons between the filetypes and commas between the sets of options (as well as between the description and the actual filter value).

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How to provide a strong name to a PowerBuilder generated .Net assembly

1. Generate a private key using the strong name tool:

sn.exe -k TeamSybasePrivateKeyFile.snk

2. Use the IL disassembler tool in the .Net SDK to convert the PowerBuilder generated assembly back to IL:

ILDASM.exe TeamSybase.dll /

3. Use the IL assembler tool in the .Net runtime to recompile the IL into a signed assembly:

ILASM.exe /dll /key=TeamSybasePrivateKeyFile.snk

4. You can use the strong name tool to verify that the strong name was correctly applied:

sn -v TeamSybaseSigned.dll